Vortrag Chantal Bertalanffy: "New Godzilla, old Trauma? – Japanese Cinema post Fukushima"

Bild vortrag c bertalanffy

On 11 March 2011, Japanese society was turned upside down. Seven years on, however, ‘normalcy’ seems to have returned. By drawing on the concept of “Cultural Trauma”, my research investigates why this is the case. With this paper, I argue that the Japanese government attempted to frame “3.11” as a collective national trauma in order to maintain its position of power. This process will be exemplified through an analysis of the film Shin Godzilla. In contrast, other films will be presented who contest this particular “trauma”.

Chantal Bertalanffy is a PhD Candidate in Japanese Studies at The University of Edinburgh. Previously, she studied Media and Film Studies (BA & BA Hons) at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, and obtained her MA in Filmmaking from The London Film School. Chantal’s PhD research investigates narratives and counter-narratives of ‘cultural trauma’ in post-3.11 Japanese cinema. Also a filmmaker, Chantal’s first feature film is currently in development. Chantal is a German-Japanese and is fluent in both languages. 

Datum: 31.5.2018, 19:30 Uhr
Ort: Räumlichkeiten des Filmfestivals Nippon Connection: Waldschmidtstraße 4, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Studio 1

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