Vortrag Dr. Hômei Aya (Universität Manchester): "Perception of Babies in the Medical Midwifery Literature in Late Meiji Japan"

Bild vortrag dr  h%c3%b4mei

How did obstetricians and midwives in Japan conceptualize babies in the late Meiji period? Were their ideas of babies then different from those of the earlier periods, and if so, why and how? These are the kinds of questions I will ask in the lecture. I will examine images of babies that prevailed in the medical midwifery journal called Josan no shiori (助産之栞), between c. 1890s and 1910s when the field of midwifery itself was going through great transformations. The presentation aims to show how the formation of medical knowledge about babies was directly linked with the professionalization of midwifery during the period. It also clarifies how the medical knowledge directly interacted with the popular ideas about bodies, life and personhood as well as the societal values placed on babies and children.

Datum: 18. Januar 2018, 18 Uhr c.t.
Ort: Raum Juridicum 717

Die Veranstaltung kann besucht werden von Studierenden aller Semester des Faches Japanologie. Die Teilnahme und das Verfassen eines Protokolls werden im Sinne der Studienordnung für den Erwerb von CP (Modul J9) angerechnet.